The Benefits of Creating Art For School Aged Children

We have different types of arts that can be created for school-aged children. There are several benefits related to the arts during the child’s development. Art has been there for the longest time and it defines how civilization has taken place and the traditions and culture of a certain group. Art has also been used as a form of therapy to help people overcome stress and other kinds of illness. Some people also earn a leaving using their skills in art. Art has also been used to bring people together as they express their skills. We are going to look at the benefits of art to school-aged kids.

1. Kids and Their Motor Skills
Art brings out several types of motor skills that can be beneficial to the kids. These are:
 The gross motor skills- this involves activities such as drawing, scribbling, painting, and scribbling which initiates coordination’s between the brain and the muscles.
 Fine motor skill- the activities involved like the use of scissors will help exercise fingers and hands muscles.
 Coordination between hand and eye-when undertaking art activity like drawing the eye guides our hands on what to do. These activities help the kid improve on the hand and eye coordination.

2. Children can improve their language skills
Art can help in developing the kids’ communication skills and develop their vocabulary.
 Language skills-art will give the kids a chance to talk about their favorite colors and shapes. They can also describe what they are doing this helps them in developing their vocabulary.
 Comprehension skills-art helps the kind have a better understanding of what is going on around them. They also get to learn how certain things are done and comprehend.
 Literacy-art activities will help your kids learn to listen write and speaking making them more literate.

3. Boosts the Child’s Brain Power
Art involves the kids in thinking on how to do think and get creative thus developing their brains.
 Higher IQ-creative thinking will help the kids develop higher IQ although it has not been proven.
 Critical thinking-art involves the brain and activities such as modeling will make the kids think about how to come up with better creations.
 Visual learning-art involves more of what you see. The kids can learn from seeing what is being done. This is an important skill in our day to day lives.
 Improved creativity and craftsmanship- kids get to be innovative at a young age when trying to come up with a unique piece of art.
 Improved imagination- kids can use their imagination to come up with a piece of art may it be modeling or an art.

4. Creates Cultural Awareness
Through the use of arts, we can educate the kids on different cultures around the world. The kids can learn that different people have different beliefs and cultural practices. The kids will learn to accept those who are who do things in a different way from them. This will prevent discrimination among kids from different cultures and backgrounds.

5. Build on Social Life Skills
In life, we have some essential skills that can be learned and developed from art. These life skills include:
 Teamwork-kids can connect with their peers while with the same interest while carrying out their activities like modeling. Working together helps them build on teamwork.
 Learn to follow an instructions-any piece of artwork usually has some guidelines on how to go about it. The ability to follow instructions is an important life skill.
 Improving social skills-when the kids have an art project where they are working together it will help them develop on their social skills.
 Gives the kids sense of responsibility- while working on an art project the kid will have to take care of it. It might also be in a group where the kid is assigned a certain duty. This helps them develop a sense of responsibility.

6. Personal Identity
Art can help build your kid’s confidence. For example, if you congratulate your kid for a certain achievement. This will boost the kid’s confidence. However, art will also help them to accept who they are. At times they may face criticism from peers from this they build their self-esteem. it also teaches the children patience. This can be learned from the simplest acts like waiting for paint to dry.

7. Emotional Well Being Of The Kids
Art can contribute to the emotional stability of the kids. It will make the kids feel at peace.
 It gives a sense of purpose to the kids they feel enthusiastic about their lives.
 Kids can bond with their peers and families to create friendships by participating in arts. This will contribute to the kid’s emotional stability.

You can involve your kids in different types of art from painting, modeling, drawing plays, and many others. As we have seen art has a big impact on the school kids as they grow up. Anyone should get their kids involved in art to avoid missing out on these benefits.

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